Buzz Builder(BMC)
Branding Strategies, Marketing Campaigns, Consulting
"You are only as good as who knows how good you are!"
The Process
Our business process transforms our client's brand. At Buzz Builder(BMC) we take our clients from an every day company/brand to a brand their customers prefer and appreciate. We do this by consulting you on the process to becoming a company/brand with longevity. Together we create branding strategies and marketing campaigns to not only make new consumers aware of your product but we also help your customer understand the what of why you created your company/brand for them, your consumer. Resulting in a loyalty that transforms your brand from brand awareness to brand preference.

before being

Generating the

Brand Awareness to
Brand Presence
Building a strong foundation is the first step in order to build a strong, stable, long lasting house. The first person you need to hire is an architect that draws up the plans to make certain every detail was reviewed. Buzz Builder(BMC) is today's business architect. We look to understand and make certain our client's brand/company is being understood. Buzz Builder BMC looks to be that architect & contractor; building, branding, strategizing, and creating marketing campaigns. At the same time consulting our clients on their goals for a B2B, B2C, & B2B2C experiences expanding their brand. It's our goal to take you from a storefront to a skyscraper with a foundation so strong you can build up without worrying about crumbling down.
A tree is not a tree if it does not have roots. With over 20 years of experience in a diverse set of industries Buzz Builder BMC has affiliations with industry leaders in various fields, including the entertainment, Tv & Film production, Non-Profit, Real Estate, & Financing; just to name a few. This means as our client, we look to cross-brand and strengthen your product /services with other companies/brands who are like-minded and have similar missions & goals. Strength is in numbers. By joining forces you not only create more opportunity for visibility but you also create a stronger presence in the new media & viral world by sharing their audience. By networking and interactive events created by BBBMC, our client will generate a buzz that will give them long arms to reach their consumer.
At Buzz Builder (BMC) Marketing/Branding is not about getting our client's target market to choose their service/product over the competition; instead it's about getting the consumer to view our client as the only choice. A strong brand is invaluable. As the battle for customers attention intensifies day by day. you must identify the "Why" A successful brand continues to deliver that "Why" At Buzz Builder BMC branding is a never ending growth process. When seeking branding & marketing services it is important to understand any marketer can create brand awareness, However at Buzz Builder BMC we create "Brand Experiences" which creates brand preference. "In the end you are only as good as who knows how good you are...
WE GET YOU KNOWN! " Amelia Moore